Avenue Q

I designed the media for this show, once again collaborating with ArtLab Media to bring it to life on stage. The concept for this AVENUE Q, directed by Christopher Pazdernik, was updating and grounding the designs in both modern Sesame Street and modern New York City. This is where the idea to mount the monitors in portrait within cases (built and designed by Set Designer Ben Lipinski) resembling the LinkNYC video kiosks came from.

This is why all of the designs are in a vertical orientation and why so many of the cues are designed to resemble the usual slides that appear on these kiosks in real life (with an added AVENUE Q twist, of course).

These designs are available to rent for your own production of AVENUE Q in their featured LinkNYC design and orientation as well as in a standard landscape orientation.

Avenue Q

Music Theater Works - Skokie, IL

March, 2023

Christopher Pazdernik – director/choreographer

Ashley Keys – assistant director

Eugene Dizon – music director

Ben Lipisnki – scenic designer

Justin LeBlanc – costume designer

Andrew Meyers – lighting designer

Rick Sims – sound designer

Bob Stilton – props designer

Nick Zabel – technical director

Kristi Martens – puppeteer

Peter Jacob Ruiz – dramaturg

Cameron Koniarski – master electrician

Will Hughes – scenic shop technical director

David Sajewich – media designer

Tony Churchill – associate media designer

Alexis Lotspeich – assistant costume designer

Chelsea Lynn – lighting programmer

Elena Patterson – stage manager

MaK Cole – assistant stage manager

Jennifer King Russell – company manager

Chris Chase – production manager


“What makes this production even more fun are the changing public transit electronic signs on either side of the stage. These pieces of media (media designers David Sajewich and Tony Churchill) with animated scenes and fun facts about New York add little moments of silliness to the show. You can tell when folks notice the signs change because little bursts of laughter trickle through the audience. For people who know the show well, the media elements are a fun surprise. Hoboken be damned, I’ll take the apparently gold-filled streets of New York City any day.”

“As a part of its parody of children’s programming like Sesame Street and The Electric Company, Music Theater Works’ Avenue Q features animated segments played on video screens on either side of the stage. Media designer David Sajewich and media engineer Tony Churchill do an excellent job with these visuals, essentially adding a non-sentient but really funny element to the show.”

“Special kudos to scenic designer Ben Lipinski and media designer David Sajewich who keep the jokes going and create a believable NYC environment that hints at Sesame but has seen way better days.”

Rental Package

If interested in renting this package and seeing more of the thirty-eight cues designed for this show please contact us!

We’re more than willing to edit, change, or add new or subtract unneeded cues depending on the concept of your AVENUE Q.




Murder on the Orient Express